Embracing Impermanence: The Power of Acceptance and Letting Go

Life is full of impermanence. Everything that arrives will eventually depart, whether it’s the people we love, our planet, or even our fleeting thoughts and emotions. Now, here’s the deal: Do you want to get stuck in this never-ending loop of thoughts and feelings?

Let’s think about the big picture. In the grand scheme of things, when you consider all the beings on this planet, does it truly matter if your toddler didn’t finish their lunch? Why bother resisting or desperately trying to change that? Who knows, they might have a fantastic rest of the day, right? And getting all anxious won’t change that outcome one bit!


So, how about we try a different approach? What if we just accept things as they come? Why waste our lives creating scenarios in our minds that probably won’t ever happen? Why spend our whole life living in our heads inventing scenarios that will never happen probably? It’s time to break free from living inside our heads!

It’s totally okay to have thoughts and emotions; we’re all human, after all. But you know what many of us don’t do? We don’t accept them. What we do is to resist them. Let me give you an example from my own life. I’m struggling to figure out what career to pursue after getting my SECOND bachelor’s degree. It’s overwhelming, and I feel like I’m failing, not knowing what I truly want from life, and dragging everyone else down with me.

But you know what? It’s much easier and wiser to accept where I am. To acknowledge my thoughts, emotions, and sensations about this situation. If I keep resisting, I’ll just end up overthinking everything and not taking action. And I figured that actions speak louder than overthinking!

I am not saying that it’s that easy to do but I am saying that it certainly makes a difference in how I live my day-to-day life.

So, here’s the plan: Let’s accept any internal patterns we’re dealing with right now. Just observe them and let them be. Notice what triggers them and how we react, without judgment. Realize that these patterns aren’t productive and won’t get us anywhere. And you know what’s even more liberating? Knowing that just like everything else, they’ll come and go.

We can detach from our ego and surrender, but often, we distract ourselves from surrendering through Social Media, TV, or whatever else. It’s time to strip away those distractions and just be ourselves. Because we are not our thoughts; we just are. So let’s embrace everything that comes our way and live in the present moment.

With love,

Related: Unlocking Personal Transformation: The Power of Self-Love

16 Fun No Shopping Challenges Ideas

No shopping challenges ideas

If you are a shopaholic, these shopping challenges will help you to save money during the challenge and curb your spending habits, which is quite a long-term benefit.

Shopping challenges are a great way to both save money and have fun. You will not only save money, but you will also learn how to be a better, more mindful, and sensible shopper.

By making a routine out of it, you might even save money every month!

These shopping challenges will help you develop good habits that will last long after the challenge is over.  They are also a great way to learn about your spending habits and figure out where you can cut back. 

For me, shopping challenges are not about depriving yourself. It’s about becoming more mindful of your spending and learning to be content with what you have. And I promise you will still enjoy your life and have plenty of fun while doing one of these shopping challenges!

Oh, and all of the information that I share is from my own experience. I am not an expert, just a regular person who has done some of these shopping challenges and wants to help others.

What is a shopping challenge?

A shopping challenge is simply a period during which you commit to spending less money. The length of the challenge is up to you, but I recommend at least a week.

You can do this challenge alone or with friends or family. If you do it with others, you can support and encourage each other to stick to the challenge. You can also compete to see who can save the most money!

Why should you do shopping challenges?

There are many reasons to do some shopping challenges. Some of the most common ones are:

  • To save money
  • To learn to be content with what you have
  • To get out of the habit of mindlessly spending
  • To have more money to save or invest
  • To pay off debt
  • You figure out what you can and cannot live without
  • To see how much money you waste on unnecessary things
  • To educate your children about money and saving
  • To have fun!
  • Reduce the amount of clutter in your house
  • You help the environment to some extent by consuming less
  • You get to know yourself better- your likes, dislikes, needs, and wants

All of these are great reasons to do a shopping challenge. But remember, the most important reason is always going to be YOUR reason.

What is your motivation for doing a challenge? Answer that question and you will be more likely to stick to it.

Shopping challenges

I have come up with a few shopping challenges that you can do. They are all different and you can choose the one that suits you the best. Or you can do more but preferably not at the same time, as it can be quite overwhelming.

1. The No Spend Challenge

A No Spend Challenge is a great way to save money and get your finances in order.

For a certain period of time, you don’t spend any money on non-essential items. This includes things like clothes, entertainment, and eating out. Instead, you focus on only spending money on essentials like groceries and bills.

This can be a difficult challenge, but it’s also very rewarding. Not only will you save money, but you’ll also learn to live with less and be more mindful of your spending.

If you’re thinking of trying a No Spend challenge, I say go for it! It’s an incredibly eye-opening experience that can change your relationship with money for the better.

If you want to find out more about this challenge, like what exactly you can spend money on and what not, this article written by Intuit Mint Life covers it all.

2. Buy secondhand

This challenge is all about breaking your habit of buying new things, which are expensive and sometimes of poor quality.

For this challenge, you only buy things secondhand for a certain period of time. Preferably more than a month. You don’t go shopping every day, are you? So what is the point to do this challenge for only a week if it is not going to change your habits?

Secondhand shopping takes some getting used to but it’s a great way to save money and be more sustainable.

I am sometimes surprised by the stuff I can find there (and by the price). So many unique, vintage, and just good quality things!

3. One in, one out rule

The one in, one out rule is a great way to keep your home clutter-free, and it makes you think twice before buying something new.

Every time you buy something new, you get rid of something old. It can be anything, from clothes to books to furniture.

The idea is that you only keep things in your home that you love and use. This way, your home will be more serene and clutter-free, and you’ll save money because you won’t be buying (hopefully) things that you don’t need.

4. 30-day rule

The 30-day rule is a great way to curb impulsive spending.

All you have to do is to wait 30 days before buying anything that you want but don’t need.

I think it’s a cool challenge because it makes you really think about your spending. Do you really need that thing? Can you live without it?

If you still want it after 30 days, then go ahead and buy it. But chances are, you’ll either forget about it or realize that you don’t need it after all. Which is the whole point! We don’t want to bring in our homes things that we don’t need, right?

5. Shop your own home

This challenge is about using the stuff you already have and not buying anything new for a certain period of time.

You’d be surprised by the stuff you already have in your home that you don’t use. This challenge is about rediscovering the things you have and using them in new ways.

For example, you can wear clothes that you haven’t worn in a while, or use items for a different purpose than they were intended for (make a vase out of an old wine bottle, for example).

This challenge is also great for decluttering your home because you’ll get rid of the things you don’t use.

6. Meal planning

Oh, grocery shopping. I am a minimalist but when grocery shopping I tend to get carried away and buy a lot of stuff which ends up going bad because I don’t have time to cook it all.

If you are like me, this challenge is for you.

The idea is to plan your meals for the week (or month) and then buy only the ingredients you need for those meals.

This way, you’ll save money on groceries and food waste. And you might even discover some new recipes when researching for your meal plan!

7. Decide on a monthly budget

Living paycheck to paycheck is not fun. It’s stressful and it is impossible to save money this way.

So, this challenge is about creating a monthly budget and sticking to it.

You can use a budgeting app or just a good old Excel spreadsheet.

And create more categories:

  • housing,
  • transportation,
  • food,
  • entertainment, etc.

Then, for each category, decide how much you want to spend each month. This will vary depending on your lifestyle and income. But make it challenging!

And be careful not to overspend all your money on the first days of the month! Otherwise, you will end up hungry and broke by the end of the month, ha.

8. Decide on a certain amount of items to buy per period of time

How many items do you usually buy per month, let’s say? A lot, right?

I challenge you to buy less than usual. For example, if until now on average you’ve been buying 5 items per month, this challenge is about reducing that number to, let’s say, 2 items.

You can do this for clothes, makeup, books, anything (not food though, preferably).

It’s a fun way to reduce your consumption and save money.

Also, it will make you think more about your purchases and only buy the things you really need.

9. No coffee runs

This one is for all the coffee lovers out there. How much money do you spend per month on coffee? $50? $100? More?

If so, give up your daily (or weekly) coffee runs and making your coffee at home. Oh, I know, it’s very challenging.

But it’s also very rewarding because you will save a lot of money. You can still go out for coffee with your friends, but limit it to once a week or once per month.

10. No eating out

Did you know that most Americans spend way too much on eating out? It’s the number one non-essential cost for many people according to this research.

If you are in their shoes, this challenge is for you.

Cook your meals at home. It’s cheaper and healthier and you’ll learn some new recipes along the way.

It’s hard, time-consuming, but fun and rewarding.

11. Decide on one category of items to save money on

Focus on one category of items and buy nothing from that category for a certain period of time.

For example, if you know you spend a lot of money on clothes, then don’t buy any clothes.

Track your spending for a month and see where most of your money goes. Then, decide on one category of items to focus on.

It can be anything: clothes, makeup, food, entertainment (drinking out, going to the movies, etc.), anything. Once you’ve decided, stop buying things in that category for a period of time. A month, for example. And see how much money you save.

What You Can Do When You Have Too Many Clothes

12. Write down your spending

Sound quite simple, so simple that you think it’s not effective. But trust me, it is.

Writing down your spending will help you be more mindful of your purchases and track where your money goes.

After a month of doing this, you will have a good idea of your spending patterns and you can start working on saving money.

13. DIY instead of buying new

There are so many things you can make at home instead of buying them. For example, you can make your own laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, and many other things. You can even buy old furniture and paint it, or build your own furniture.

Did you know that you can make tofu at home? And yogurt? And bread? The possibilities are endless.

Making things at home is not only cheaper, but it’s also fun and you get to learn new skills.

14. Don’t buy duplicates for an entire year.

Come on, this one can easily be done for one year. You are not depriving yourself of anything, you are just saving money.

And it’s not that hard to do. Just don’t buy duplicates of things you already have for one year.

For example, if you already have a notebook, don’t buy another one just because it’s cute and one day yours will run out of pages. Or if you have a black shirt, don’t buy another one because you think it will be more comfortable than the one you have.

You get the idea.

Related: Extreme Minimalism – Owning Less Than 15 Items

15. Go for walks without money.

How often do you go for walks? Once a week? Twice a week? Every day?

This challenge is about going for walks more often and not spending any money while doing it.

It happens to me a lot. I go for a walk and then I stop by a store and buy something. I could easily go for a walk without spending any money, but I don’t because I have my wallet with me. You know what I mean, right? I am not the only one, right?

So, leave your wallet at home and just enjoy the walk.

16. No online shopping for a month

Want to buy something? Go to a physical store. Don’t have time or energy to do that? Stay at home and save yourself some money.

It’s so easy to spend money when you are shopping online. You don’t see the money leaving your account, you just click on a button and the thing you want is yours. And before you know it, you have spent a lot of money.

So, this challenge is for you if you love online shopping.

For one month, don’t buy anything online. Just don’t do it. Resist the temptation. And see how much money you save.

How to make the most out of your shopping challenges?

You will save money, and that is the primary goal. But there are other benefits to be gained from doing shopping challenges. Here are some suggestions:

  • Use the time to figure out your shopping habits. Why do you spend money the way you do?
  • Educate yourself about personal finance and investing. This is a great way to learn about money and how to make it work for you.
  • Minimize the amount of stuff in your house. This will save you money in the long run and declutter your life!
  • Use the extra money you have to start an emergency fund or save for a big purchase.
  • Invest money. This is a great way to grow your wealth over time.
  • Consider charities. Use some of the money you save to donate to a worthy cause.

A shopping challenge can teach you something, even if you don’t realize it at the moment.

I used to be a shopaholic and I thought I could never give it up. But after doing a few (drastic) shopping challenges, I have learned to be content with what I have. I don’t need to buy things to feel happy, and I am now much more mindful of my spending.

Sometimes, we need to do things that are uncomfortable to learn and grow. A shopping challenge can be uncomfortable, but it is so worth it in the end!

Shopping challenge tips

1) Track your progress

Let’s say you take a No Spend Challenge. It is your first day of the challenge, you go for a walk with your dog and you pass by a store. In the shop window, you see a jacket that is on sale for 50% off. You want it, but you remember that you are doing a challenge. And you walk away.

You have just saved $100! But how do you track this? It is easy to forget about the money you save when you don’t see it in your bank account.

I recommend using a tracker of some sort, whether it is a spreadsheet, an app, or even a notebook. Write down (or type) every cent you save during the challenge. This will help you to stay motivated and on track.

2) Set a goal

What is your goal for the challenge? Do you want to save $100? $1000? 10% of your income?

Setting a goal will help you to stay focused and motivated. And it is always satisfying to reach a goal!

3) Find support

It can be difficult to stay motivated when nobody even knows about your challenge. But it is so much easier when you have somebody to support you and hold you accountable.

Find a friend or family member who is willing to do the challenge with you, or join an online support group.

4) Be prepared for temptations

They will happen.

I like to have a plan for when I am tempted to spend money.

For example, if I am tempted to buy a coffee, I will remind myself that I can make coffee at home for free. And I can also bake a cake, and I will still be ahead!

5) Have a rewarding deadline

When your challenge has ended, allow yourself to do something that you wanted to do for a long time. You can even buy something for yourself that you need. By doing so, you have created a positive association with saving money and being patient.

6) Use what you have

Is your freezer full of food? Use it! You don’t need to go out and buy more. Is your pantry full? Take an advantage of it! Plan your meals around what you have. Get creative and use what you have. You might be surprised at how much you can save.

I am not even saying anything about clothes or other things you might have around the house. Just use them!

7) Learn to enjoy the challenge

I don’t know how shopaholic you are, but for me, it was hard in the beginning. I had to learn to enjoy the challenge and see it as a game. As a true challenge. I challenged myself. And I won!

8) If you fail, don’t give up

It happens to forget about the challenge or to be way too tempted. If that happens, take a breath and don’t give up. One fail doesn’t mean the challenge is over. It means a mistake that you have to learn from.

9) Don’t overspend after finishing the challenge

Yes, you have finished the challenge, congratulations. But that doesn’t mean you should go and spend all the money you have saved.

Remember what you have learned during the shopping challenge and try to apply it to your everyday life.

10) Have fun!

This is, after all, a challenge. And challenges are supposed to be fun! Make sure you are enjoying the process. If you are not, take a step back and reassess why you are doing this challenge.

Final thoughts

Are you up for a challenge?

I know that it is hard to get into the right mindset to start a challenge. But all you need to do is to get started. After a week of the challenge, you will be more motivated since you will start seeing results.

It is also important to have the right mindset when starting a challenge. If you think of it as something you “have” to do, you will most likely fail. But if you see it as something fun that you “get” to do, you are more likely to succeed.

I hope you found this article helpful and that you will start your shopping challenge soon.

Have a challenging day!


Related: 20 Effective Ways to Stop Buying Stuff You Don’t Need

20 Effective Ways to Stop Buying Stuff You Don’t Need

how to stop buying stuff you don't need

If you want to save some money and have a less cluttered life, you’ll need to be mindful of your spending and make a conscious effort to stop buying stuff. In this article, you will find out how to stop buying stuff you don’t need.

Everyone’s familiar with the feeling: you see something you want and you just have to have it. Whether it’s a new piece of clothing, the latest gadget, or even something as simple as a candy bar, we’ve all been there. And at the moment, it’s hard to resist the urge to purchase. After all, what’s the harm in buying one more thing? 

The harm, of course, is that all of these little purchases can add up. Before you know it, you’re spending more money than you can afford and you’re buried under a pile of stuff that you don’t really need.

We all know that buying more stuff isn’t the answer, but it’s so hard to break the habit. The cycle of buy-use-discard is endless and it seems like we can never have enough.

Although it can be difficult, it is possible to break the cycle of consumerism and stop buying stuff. But how do you break free from this trap?

Please notice that all of the tips I am going to talk about are from my own experience and they have worked for me. My life become so much easier, stress-free, and freeing when I finally stopped buying stuff I don’t need. So I hope they will work for you as well.

20 ways to stop buying stuff you don’t need

1. Define your needs versus your wants

We’ve all been there: standing in the store, looking at that cute new shirt/phone case/pair of shoes, and thinking to ourselves, “I really want this.” But what we don’t ask ourselves is: do we need it?

Just because we want something doesn’t mean we need it. And when we’re trying to save money or break the habit of buying stuff we don’t need, it’s important to be able to tell the difference.

  • Needing something means that it’s absolutely essential for us, like food or shelter.
  • Wanting something is different; it’s not a necessity, it’s simply a whim.

For example, you may want a new car because your old one is uncomfortable, but you don’t necessarily need a new car. You can continue to use my old car until it’s no longer functional (well…maybe not that long, but you get the idea).

So please ask yourself the question: Do I need this?

And if you don’t, you can save yourself some money (and some clutter) by walking away from that purchase.

wants vs needs"stop buying stuff you don't need

2. Determine why you’re buying stuff

When you find yourself in the cycle of buying stuff you don’t need, it can be helpful to take a step back and figure out why you’re doing it.

Some of the reasons might be:

  • Are you trying to fill a void?
  • Do you feel like you need to keep up with the latest trends?
  • Do you feel like you deserve a reward?
  • Do you feel like you’re missing out if you don’t buy something?
  • Once you know why you’re buying stuff, you can start to work on addressing that underlying issue.

For example, if you’re trying to fill a void, you can work on finding other activities that make you feel good and help you to feel more fulfilled.

Please keep in mind that experiences often make us feel better than things; instead of buying stuff, consider doing something fun or going on an adventure.

3. Make a list before shopping (and stick to it!)

One of the best ways to save money and stop buying stuff you don’t need is to make a list before you go shopping. When you have a list, you’re less likely to be tempted by those “must-have” items that always seem to end up in your shopping cart.

But it’s not enough to just make a list; you also need to stick to it. That means no impulse buys, no add-ons, and no exceptions.

Moreover, try to shop as infrequently as possible so that you’re not constantly tempted by things that you don’t need. A way to do that is to buy in bulk when you do go shopping so that you have enough to last for a while.

4. Think long term

When I was a teenager, I wanted to have my own house. I was so focused on that goal that I didn’t want to buy anything. I just saved my money. And that was cool. It felt good. I didn’t even realize back then that my life was so uncluttered.

I was thinking long-term, and it paid off.

Now, I have other plans, but the strategy is the same. I think about what I want and I save my money until I can get it.

Some examples of financial goals are:

  • save for a down payment on a house
  • pay off student loans
  • save for retirement.
  • start a business.
  • go on a dream vacation.

No matter what your goal is, if you think about the long-term benefits, it will be easier for you to resist buying stuff you don’t need.

5. Think about the environment

In recent years, there’s been a growing awareness of the impact that our consumption has on the environment. From the water and energy used to produce things to the pollution created by manufacturing, to the waste generated when we throw things away, our consumption has a significant environmental impact.

So when you’re tempted to buy something, please take a moment to think about the environmental cost of that purchase. There is a cost that you don’t pay but that future generations will have to deal with.

Consider sustainable consumption practices, such as buying used instead of new, repairing instead of replacing, and supporting companies that have sustainable business practices.

The planet will thank you. I say “Thank you” in advance. Thank you!

6. Buy quality over quantity

How many times have you bought something, only to have it break a few months later?

It’s so frustrating to have to replace something that you just bought, and it’s even more frustrating when you have to keep replacing it because it keeps breaking.

And of course, you think that you need that new thing because yours is broken. But you can totally prevent this by buying quality items in the first place.

Yes, quality items often cost more money upfront. But they last longer, so you end up saving money in the long run.

And even if an item costs more, it’s something that you’ll use all the time. Would you like to have a pair of uncomfortable cheap shoes or a pair of expensive but comfortable shoes that you’ll enjoy wearing for a long time?

Related: Reasons why choosing quality over quantity is important

7. Be mindful of your spending

Mindfulness is a tool that you can use in all areas of your life, including your spending habits. When you’re mindful, you’re present in the moment and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Being mindful of your spending means being aware of why you’re spending, what you’re spending money on, and how it makes you feel.

For example, let’s say that you’re at the mall and you see a pair of shoes that you really want. You start thinking about how much you want those shoes and how good they would look on you. But then you realize that it is just a thought. You can let it go. It’s like magic.

I advise you to look into mindfulness in general. It’s a really powerful tool that can help you deal with your feelings, thoughts, and emotions.

8. Do a no-spend challenge

A no-spend challenge is exactly what it sounds like: a challenge to not spend any money for a period of time.

This is a great way to reset your spending habits and get a better understanding of your spending patterns. It’s also a great way to save money.

You can make it as long as you like: a day, a week, a month, or even longer. Just make sure that you’re realistic about it and pick a time frame that you know you can stick to.

And yes, you are allowed to buy food and pay for your housing and utilities. But other than that, you’re not allowed to spend any money.

The idea is to find other ways to entertain yourself and meet your needs.

For example, instead of going out to eat, you can cook at home. Instead of going to the movies, you can watch a movie at home.

Come on, cheer up, it’s fun!

Related: 16 Fun No Shopping Challenge Ideas

9. Track your spending

If you’re not already tracking your spending, now is the time to start. This is a really effective way to become more aware of your spending patterns.

When you track your spending, you’ll be able to see exactly where your money is going. This information can be really eye-opening.

You can use a simple Excel spreadsheet or you can use one of the many personal finance apps that are available.

I know you might think that tracking your spending is a lot of work and you already kind of know where your money goes. But trust me, you will become so much more aware of your spending after doing so.

If you don’t trust me, trust The Balance. They have a whole article on the benefits of tracking your spending.

10. Follow the 50/30/20 rule

The 50/30/20 rule is a great way to budget your money.

It’s simple:

  • you spend 50% of your income on essentials,
  • 30% on wants,
  • and 20% on savings and debt repayment.

The 50% on essentials includes things like housing, food, utilities, transportation, and healthcare.

The 30% on wants includes things like entertainment, dining out, clothes, and vacations.

And the 20% on savings and debt repayment includes, well, saving and debt repayment.

The idea is not to use 50% of your earnings on wants but only 30%. That extra 20% can go towards your savings and debt repayment.

This tip is for those of you who can’t cut back completely on your wants. So if this is something that works for you, great!

11. Shop with cash

Another way to stop buying stuff you don’t need is to shop with cash. When you use cash, you’re more aware of your spending because you can physically see the money leaving your hands.

Have with you only a certain amount of cash that you’re willing to spend. When the cash is gone, you’re done spending.

This method can be effective because it’s practically impossible to spend more money than you have.

Also, it can help you avoid impulse purchases. When you see something that you want but don’t have the cash for it, you’ll have to sleep on it and decide if it’s worth spending your money on.

12. Give yourself a spending allowance

A spending allowance is an amount of money that you give yourself to spend each week or month. And no negotiation with yourself afterward.

By doing so, you will have to stay on budget and avoid overspending.

Be careful though and don’t give yourself too little money. You still have to survive.

Estimate a weekly or monthly spending allowance by taking a look at your budget and seeing where you can cut back. And then be careful not to spend all of the money too soon, like on the first days of the week or month. Try to spread it out so that it lasts.

13. Declutter your entire house

Decluttering is not an easy job. And you know that. It can get overwhelming and stressful really fast.

But did you know that decluttering can also help you save money?

When your house is full of stuff, you’re more likely to make impulse purchases.

It’s hard to resist buying things when your house is already full of stuff.

After decluttering, you might find that your life is so much easier without all the unnecessary stuff. You don’t have to clean that much, you are going to fall in love with your house all over again, and you might even save some money. And stress. And time.

14. Choose a minimalist lifestyle

This is a big shot. But you might love it. It is so freeing, I can tell you that. And it can help you to stop buying stuff.

A minimalist lifestyle doesn’t mean that you have to get rid of all your belongings and live in a tiny house. Although you can if you want to.

Being a minimalist means living with only the things that you need and that bring you joy.

It means decluttering your house and your life so that you can focus on the things that are important to you: your family, your friends, your hobbies, and anything else that brings you joy.

Minimalism kind of forces you to be more mindful of your spending. You start to think about whether or not you need something before you buy it. It also helps you let go of material things and focus on experiences instead.

You need to do some research before you decide to live a minimalist lifestyle since it is the only way to get motivated and stay on track.

If you want to live a more minimalist lifestyle, here are some relevant articles:

15. Set intentions to be more mindful of your spending

If you want to stop buying stuff, you need to be more mindful of your spending. You can do so by setting intentions.

For example, you can set the intention to cook at home today, not to enter any malls, or buy only things that are on your shopping list.

When you set intentions, you’re more likely to be aware of your spending and make better choices. This is because you’re making a conscious decision to be more mindful of your spending. But to make it work, you need to be honest with yourself and stick to your intentions.

Setting intentions is more powerful than you might think. Thrive Global has an article about that, saying that we can easier accomplish things by being more intentional, our performance increases, and it is the foundation of being successful. They also say that writing them down makes the intention even more powerful.

That is why I suggest you write down your intention to be more mindful of your spending. You can even put it somewhere where you will see it every day, like on your fridge, or your mirror.

Related: How to set powerful daily intentions?

16. Realize that stuff doesn’t make you happy

Why do you buy stuff? Is it because you think it will make you happy?

I am sorry to tell you this, but stuff doesn’t make you happy. It might make you happy for a little while, but the happiness is only temporary. And then you’re going to want more stuff. And more. Until you die (sorry for being so dramatic).

The things you own end up owning you.

It is called the hedonic treadmill, and it means that we always adapt to the things we have and want more and more. You heard it million times, happiness comes from within. You cannot buy happiness.

Here are a few important reasons why material things don’t make you happy.

17. Unsubscribe from promotional emails

Unconsciously, promotional emails make us want to buy stuff. You see a product all over again and then you think that you need it. This is how it works.

To avoid this, unsubscribe from promotional emails. It is so easy and it will help you a lot. You can use tools like Unroll Me which will help you unsubscribe from the emails you don’t want in just a few clicks.

Another bonus is that your emails will feel less cluttered.

18. Unfollow influences that overpromote their stuff

An influencer is there to influence you. That is their job. They have a nice water bottle and they promote it. Or they have the cutest shoes and they tell you where you can buy them.

You see these things and you want them. You think that if you had them, you would be happy like them.

But that is not true. These influencers are just doing their job, and you should not let them influence you. By following them, it’s going to be very difficult to stop buying stuff.

Please be mindful of them. I know they might provide you with some useful information as well but try to be aware that they need to pay their bills and for that, they need to promote stuff.

19. Don’t compare yourself to others

You might keep buying stuff because you see other people with nicer things and you want to have them too. You think that they are happy because they have all these things and you want to be happy like them.

But that is not how it works. Comparison is the thief of joy. When you compare yourself to others, you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment. Because you will always find someone who has more than you.

And when you focus on what other people have, you’re not focusing on what you have.

So instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on what you have. Be grateful for the things you do have and don’t worry about the things you don’t have.

Related: How to be happy with what you have?

20. Create a list of your needs and stick to it

An important way to stop buying stuff is to make a list of things that you need. Like that you really need.

For instance, your shoes have holes in them and you need new ones. Or you need a new winter coat because yours is too old.

But don’t put things like “I need new shoes because all my friends have new shoes” on your list.

After creating this list, when you go shopping, only buy the things that are on your list. Don’t be tempted to buy other things. Just stick to your list.

Also, don’t forget that you can always find second-hand things that will meet your needs. You will save even more money this way!

How much money do people spend on useless things on average?

The research ordered by Ladder and conducted by OnePoll suggests that on average people spend 18.000$ per year on stuff that they don’t need.

Imagine what you could do with that money instead. You could save them, invest them, or enjoy some memorable experiences.

18.000$ per year is 1.500$ per month spent on useless things. According to this study, most of this money is spent on eating and drinking. The next category is impulsive purchases. Then ridesharing, subscriptions, online shopping, etc.

In 10 years, for 180.000$ you could buy a house. This is a powerful way of putting things into perspective, isn’t it? It is a powerful motivator to stop buying stuff you don’t need.

Final thoughts

I know it is not easy to stop buying stuff. You need quite a lot of motivation but once you get started, it will be easier and easier.

I hope that this article has motivated you to stop buying things you don’t need.

You can get this done if you set your mind to it! And you will feel so much better once you do it. Not only will you keep your house from clutter (which we know is not good for us) but you will also save a lot of money.

Have a spending-free day!


How to Write a Gratitude List? – A Complete Guide

how to write a gratitude list?

You have probably wanted to start a gratitude list for a while now but you simply don’t know where to start. If that is the case, I am going to show you a step-by-step guide on how to write a gratitude list. It gets pretty easy once you know what you are doing!

A gratitude list is simply a list of things that you are grateful for. It doesn’t have to contain grandiose or life-changing items, it can be as simple as “I am grateful for my bed” or “I am grateful for my favorite coffee mug”.

The point of a gratitude list is to help shift your focus from negative to positive. People often think about what they don’t have, or what they wish they had, and this can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and discontentment. A gratitude list helps to change that focus by reminding you of all the wonderful things that you DO have in your life.

But how to do it? Where to start?

How to write a gratitude list?

Here are some tips that can help you start your gratitude list (and eventually journal) so that you can reap all the benefits of gratitude:

1) Write down without thinking too much

Just let the words flow out of you without overthinking them.

This is a very important tip because if you start to overthink things, you will get in your own way and you will find it harder to connect with your gratitude. Just let the words come out naturally and don’t worry about whether or not they are perfect.

Some gratitude points are going to be long, others short. Some of them might not make perfect sense. Others might be very specific. And that’s all okay! Just let it all out without overthinking it.

2) Be grateful for the bad moments

This tip on how to write a gratitude list is a bit counterintuitive but bear with me.

It’s important to be grateful for the bad moments because they make us appreciate the good moments even more. They remind us of how lucky we are when things are going well.

Also, bad moments teach us lessons and make us grow as individuals. So next time something bad happens, like you get in a fight with a friend or you have a tough day at work, try to find something to be grateful for in that situation.

For instance, getting in a fight with a friend might make you realize how much they mean to you and how far you are willing to go to keep the friendship (even if you don’t realize it at the moment).

It might be hard but it will definitely help you cultivate more gratitude in your life.

3) Be more present

In order to find more things to be grateful for, it’s important to be more present. This means that you should try to live in the moment and really experience all that life has to offer, both the good and the bad.

It’s easy to rush through life and not really take the time to appreciate all the little things. But if you are more present, you will see that there are many things to be grateful for, even in the simplest of moments.

For instance, you can be grateful for the sun shining on your face, for the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, or for the sound of laughter. Even the sound of boiling water can be something to be grateful for (You can hear the world around you, you are so lucky!), or you can just take a moment to sniff some spices.

There are many things to appreciate if you just take the time to notice them.

4) Imagine how would it be without having something

This is a great tip to write a gratitude list if you are struggling with finding things to be grateful for.

Just take something that you have in your life, like your job or your home, and imagine how would it be without having it.

For instance, if you are struggling to find a job with a bigger salary, be grateful for the job that you have. It might not be your dream job but it’s a job nonetheless. Some people didn’t have a chance to have an education, making it so hard to find a job. So if you have a job, even if it’s not your dream job, be grateful for it.

The same goes for your home. Even if it’s not the biggest or the most beautiful house, it’s still a roof over your head and a place to call home. Many people don’t have that.

5) Start big

In the beginning, you can simply write down broad things that you are grateful for. These can be something like:

  • I am grateful for my family
  • I am grateful for my health
  • I am grateful for my home
  • I am grateful for my job
  • I am grateful for my friends
  • I am grateful for nature

You can also add things like:

  • I am grateful for my ability to read
  • I am grateful for my sense of humor
  • I am grateful for my intelligence

The idea is to start with the broadest, most general things that you are grateful for in your life. This will make it easier for you to get started, and it will also help you to establish a foundation of gratitude in your mind.

After a while, you can revise these and write them again. You can even repeat the same point every day if you feel like it.

how to write a gratitude list?

6) Get more into detail when you feel like it

Once you have started to get the hang of things and you feel like writing more, you can start to add more specific things to your list.

You can write things like:

  • I am grateful for my bed, it is so comfortable
  • I am grateful for the rainy day today, it was so calming
  • I am grateful for making myself a delicious lunch today
  • I am grateful for having time for my children today
  • I am grateful for the flowers that I saw on my way home

Adding more specific things to your list will help you to connect with your gratitude on a deeper level. It will also help you to start noticing the small, everyday things that you are grateful for, which is the whole point of gratitude!

7) Connect with your emotions

When you are writing your gratitude list, try to connect with the emotions that you are feeling. This will help you to really connect with your gratitude and to appreciate the things on your list even more.

Do not just write down things, feel and connect with each one of them. Think how would it be without them.

You have to try to appreciate as many moments in your day as possible, and then write them down. And not the other way around. This way, you will really start to feel gratitude and you will be more present and connected with your life.

For instance, if you pass by a flower field, look at it, see how beautiful it is, and be grateful for it. Don’t just pass by and be lost in your thought. Really take a moment to appreciate it and then write it down.

8) Get inspired when feeling uninspired

Although there are tons of things to be grateful for, sometimes we get limited in our thinking and we can’t seem to think of anything to write. Or every day seems to have the same things.

If this happens to you, there are a few things that you can do to get some inspiration for your gratitude list.

  • Consider more aspects of your life. Here are some of them: relationship, health, friends, family, career, finances, fun, personal development, and spirituality. For instance, let’s take finances. You can be grateful that you have money to survive today, that you have a job to pay your bills, or that you are debt-free. Even if your financial situation is not perfect, there are always things to be grateful for.
  • Read other’s gratitude lists. There are many websites and books that you can find with other people’s gratitude lists. This can give you some ideas of things that you can be grateful for in your own life. Here is mine.
  • Be present. If you are really struggling to think of things to be grateful for, try to be present at the moment and look around you. There are always things to appreciate, even if they are small things.

Related: Simple Pleasures in Life that are Completely Free

9) Don’t overthink the formalities

Some of us think that we need a special journal or app so that we can write down our gratitude lists. Others of us might feel like we need to write it in a certain way or at a certain time of day.

This makes it really hard to stick to writing a gratitude list because it can start to feel like a chore. So my tip here is to not overthink the formalities. If you have a journal or an app – it’s great! If not, it’s also great.

A piece of paper, your phone, or even a napkin can work just as well. Just write it down whenever you feel like you are grateful for something. At least in the beginning. After a while, it might be easier to stick to a certain time or place. But in the beginning, just let it flow.

10) Create a structure

There is evidence that shows that when we make something stand up and in a structured form, we tend to remember things easier.

What does it have to do with a gratitude list? Well, if you want to be able to sink all the benefits of gratitude, make bullet points.

It will be much easier for your brain to register all the things you are grateful for when they are in a structured form. Which will make it easier for your brain to remember to be grateful for these things in the future as well.

Not only that, but making your gratitude list visible will also help you to see all the things you have to be grateful for when you are feeling down or when you need a little reminder that there are good things in your life.

So yeah, try to make your gratitude list in a way that will help you remember it and look at it often!

11) Elaborate

Don’t just write down “I’m grateful for my family” or “I’m grateful for my health”. Write down WHY you are grateful for these things.

Of course, some points might be sweet and short, but if you want to really sink in all the benefits of gratitude, try to elaborate on why you are grateful for certain things.

By doing so, you will be able to see all the good things about a certain situation or a person, and you will appreciate them even more.

12) See each thing on your list as a gift

This is something that I read somewhere and I think it is so beautiful. Whenever you are looking at your gratitude list, try to see each thing on that list as a gift.

For instance, if you are grateful for your job, see it as a gift that you were given. A gift that allows you to support yourself and your family.

This is a powerful way to look at the things you are grateful for because it will help you to appreciate them even more.

13) Keep going

Writing gratitude lists gets easier with time. The more you do it, the more natural it will feel, and the easier it will be to come up with things to be grateful for. This is like a snowball effect. You are going to be more and more grateful, and therefore more and more present and happy.

Yep, there is actually quite a lot of research on this topic, showing that gratitude is powerful, including this study.

That is why it is important to keep going, even when you don’t feel like it, and especially when you don’t feel like it. Because those are the moments when gratitude is needed the most. (Yes, gratitude does help you overcome the bad times, look here.)

Only by doing a routine out of journaling you can change the way you see things and be more grateful. So don’t give up, keep writing those gratitude lists!

What is the best part of the day for writing a gratitude list?

There is no wrong time to write a gratitude list. It makes sense to write it whenever you feel like it.

  • Morning. Some people find it helpful to do it first thing in the morning, as it sets the tone for the day and helps them focus on the positive.
  • Evening. Others find it helpful to do it at night, as it allows them to reflect on the good things that happened during the day and go to sleep with a positive attitude.
  • During the day. If you see something and you think, “I’m really grateful for that,” then just write it down! It doesn’t matter when you do it, as long as you do it.

Some people find it helpful to have a routine and write their gratitude list at the same time every day. This is because it makes them stick to it and become more consistent. You should try it and see what works best for you.

How often should you write a gratitude list?

5 minutes each day. Does it sound like a lot? Well, no. Since it can literally change your life. You will become more grateful, more present, and happier. So if you can spare 5 minutes each day, it is worth it!

Just write down a few things you are grateful for each day. It can be anything, no matter how big or small.

You can also write a gratitude list once a week. There actually was a study done by Sonja Lyubomirsky that shows that weekly gratitude lists are more beneficial, which is counterintuitive. You would think that the more often you do it, the better. But please don’t overdo it. Psychologist Robert A. Emmons suggests that more than 10 things are too many.

Benefits of gratitude lists

1) Helps you to focus on the positive. When you’re feeling grateful, you’re more likely to pay attention to the things that are going right in your life, rather than dwelling on the negative. As a result, gratitude can help you to appreciate the good moments, even when times are tough.

2) Makes you happier. Gratitude has been linked with increased happiness and well-being. One study found that people who were giving thanks were 25% happier than those who didn’t.

3) Increases your resilience. When you’re grateful, you’re more likely to see difficult situations as challenges, rather than roadblocks. This can help you to cope with setbacks and to bounce back from adversity.

4) Helps you to overcome difficult times. Gratitude can help you to find meaning and purpose in difficult times. It can also give you a sense of perspective, and remind you that things could be worse.

5) Strengthens your relationships. Gratitude can help you to feel more connected to others and to appreciate the people in your life. It can also make you more likely to act in a way that is helpful and supportive.

6) Improves your health. Gratitude has been linked with better sleep, lower blood pressure, and improved heart health.

7) Makes you more productive. Gratitude can help you to set and achieve goals, and to persevere in the face of setbacks. It can also increase your motivation and focus, and make you more likely to stick to your goals.

8) Helps you to focus on what is important in life. Gratitude can help you to prioritize your time and your energy, and to focus on the things that are most important to you.

Final words

Gratitude is underestimated. It is powerful. It can change your life.

So thank yourself for being here and reading this article that will hopefully get you closer to your goal of writing a gratitude list.

Writing a gratitude list is one of the most simple, yet powerful things you can do to change your life. The benefits are numerous, and it only takes a few minutes each day.

So yeah, I hope this article was helpful.

I am grateful that you are here.

Have a lovely day!



Making Every Day Count: 12 Effective Ways

making every day count

We only have one life, and it’s short. We want to make sure that we are making every day count.

But sometimes, we get lost in the busyness of our lives and thoughts and forget to remind ourselves that today matters. So we forget to enjoy the little things and be grateful for what we have.

Making every day count doesn’t mean you have to do something grandiose or life-changing every single day.

Making every day count means taking the time to appreciate the good moments, even when things are tough. It means being mindful of the present moment and savoring it. It means being grateful for what we have, even when we want more.
Moreover, it means working every day in order to achieve our goals and make our dreams come true.

There are ways that can help you make everyday count, but first, you need to be aware that:

  • today is special and it matters
  • the past is gone; it prevents you from making every day count
  • you never know what is going to happen tomorrow, so make TODAY count
  • every day is a new opportunity to make a difference

Once you have that mindset, you can implement some of the ways below to make every day count.

Also, it is important to mention that although we don’t have to think about the future all the time (like worrying about what is going to happen), we should still have a goal to strive for. This will help us make every day count because we will be working towards something and have a purpose.

Action Step

Make a list of your goals and priorities.

Then, for each day, ask yourself “What can I do today to move closer to my goal?” and do it.

By doing so, you will be able to stay focused and motivated and make every day count. Otherwise, if you don’t have a goal, it is easy to get lost in the mundane tasks of daily life and forget what really matters.

Examples of goals and priorities:

  • I want to get a job that I love
  • I want to save money
  • I want to be more mindful and reconnect to myself
  • I want to be fit and healthy
  • I want to spend more time with my family and friends
  • I want to make a difference in the world
  • I want to travel more (Minimalist travel)

After you have your goals and priorities, it is time to take action and make every day count. Below are some ideas on how to do that.

Ways to make everyday count

1. Set daily intentions

Each morning, take a few minutes to yourself and set an intention for the day. This can be something as simple as “I will be more patient today”, “I will be more mindful of my spending today” or “I will be more present today”.

Again, it depends on your goals and priorities, but the important thing is to have an intention to guide your actions for the day.

This will help you be more mindful of what you are doing and why you are doing it. And as a result, you will be more likely to make every day count.

Also, don’t forget to review your intentions at the end of the day and see how you did. This will help you reflect on your day and learn from your experiences.

Thrive Global suggests that writing down your intentions is even more powerful, so don’t be lazy to do so!

Related: How To Set Daily Intentions?

2. Don’t sleep in

It is tempting to sleep in, especially on weekends or days off. But if you want to make every day count, it is important to make the most of your time and not waste it. Work towards your goals.

Instead of sleeping in, get up early and do something that you enjoy or that is productive. Research shows that waking up just one hour earlier can reduce bad moods and some more serious mental health problems by 23% (a little motivation for you).

By getting up early and starting your day off right, you will set the tone for the rest of the day and be more likely to make it count.

Also, mornings are beautiful. They are so quiet and calm and it is a great time to meditate, reflect, or get some work done.

3. Make a to-do list every day

A to-do list is a great way to stay organized and make sure that you are getting things done. And this is how you make every day count.

Sometimes we can feel like we are just going through the motions and not really accomplishing anything. I find myself scrolling through social media or just getting bored if I don’t know what to do.

Moreover, our brains love to-do lists because we remember better what we need to do and we feel on top of things.

That is why it is helpful to make a to-do list the day before so you know what you need to do the next day. This will help you focus and use your time wisely.

Also, as you check things off your to-do list, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, which will make you more likely to want to continue making every day count.

4. Be grateful

I can’t emphasize it enough. But being grateful can truly make every day count because it changes your perspective. When being grateful, you are not over there, you are here, in the present moment, in TODAY. And this is how you make it count.

By expressing gratitude, we focus on what we have and we don’t take things for granted.

Moreover, gratitude has been linked to happiness, health, and even stronger relationships.

Taking only a few minutes each day to express gratitude can have a profound impact on your life and it can certainly help in making every day count.

Related: 101 Things To Be Grateful For Even on Gloomy Days
How to Write a Gratitude List?

5. Spend time outside

When you are outside, you are more likely to connect with the world around you, to be mindful and in the present, and therefore make every day count.

Studies prove this idea. It can refresh our brains, make us happier, and improve our mood, and general well-being.

Spending time outside doesn’t mean that you have to go on a hike every day. You can simply sit in your backyard, go for a walk around the block, or spend some time at the park.

I need to point out this: You might think that spending time outside has little to do with making every day count. But if you think about it, it actually has everything to do with it.

When we are outside, we are more likely to appreciate the beauty of life, be mindful of the present moment, and connect with others.

And all of these things can make every day count.

So get some fresh air. Every day.

6. Reserve some “me” time

It is so important to make time for yourself, to do things that you enjoy, and to recharge your batteries.

“Me” time is not selfish. It is necessary. It is essential in making every day count.

Ast little as 30 minutes a day can make a huge difference. You can read your favorite book, make yourself a cup of coffee and drink it in silence, make a face mask, take a relaxing bath, or just take a walk.

Do whatever makes you happy and relaxes you. But no screen time. That is not “me” time, this is “vegging out” time.

And we are not looking to veg out, we are looking to recharge our batteries so we can make every day count.

If you want to read more about science-based reasons why spending time alone, Forbes has a comprehensive article on this sense.

7. Connect with others

As much as we need “me” time, we also need to connect with others. We are social beings and we need to interact with others to lead happy and fulfilling lives.

Make time for your family and friends. Have dinner together, go on a walk, or just spend some time talking. Call your grandparents, send a text to an old friend, or meet someone new.

Connecting with others is an important part of making every day count because it helps us feel connected, loved, and supported. Besides that, it improves our mood, and memory, and even prevents us from going insane.

So make time for others. Everyday.

8. Make time for mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It sounds simple enough, but it’s quite powerful.

When you are mindful, you are in the present moment and you are not letting your mind wander off into the past or the future.

When you are mindful, you are more likely to appreciate the moment, be grateful for what you have, and connect with others. All of which can make every day count.

I would say that mindfulness is the queen of making every day count. This is due to the fact that mindfulness is the foundation of so many things that can make every day count. And there are so many more benefits of being mindful!

9. Be on top of things

Sometimes we can’t help but feel like we are falling behind. In our fast-paced world, it is easy to feel like we are not doing enough, or that we are not on top of things.

But when we feel like this, it is important to remember that every day is a new day. And we can start fresh.

So if you are feeling like you are not on top of things, take a deep breath, and start again. Make to-do lists and start working towards being on top of things.

10. Journal

Writing in a journal is a great way to reflect on your day, and it can be beneficial in making every day count.

Journaling makes every day count because it is a great way to reflect on your day, see what you can improve tomorrow, and it can help you to better understand yourself.

It can also help you to identify patterns and to set goals. It is also a great way to release any pent-up emotions and to just get everything out.

So if you are looking for a way to make every day count, consider journaling. It is an effective and simple way to do so.

I find this article in NY Times very helpful in regards to the benefits of Journaling. After you will read it, you will probably realize that journaling has tons of benefits and that it can truly make every day count.

11. Learn new things

When it comes to making every day count, improvement and growth is essential. One of the best ways to improve and grow is to learn new things.

It can be anything from learning a new skill to reading a new book, to taking a new class.

When we learn new things, we are expanding our horizons and we are making every day count. Learning keeps our minds active and engaged, and it allows us to see the world in new and different ways.

It also helps us to build confidence and to feel capable of tackling whatever comes our way.

That is why if you’re looking for ways to make every day count, remember that learning is one of the most important things you can do.

12. Get out of your comfort zone

How do we remember days? How do we make sure that they are special, and that they count?

One way to do this is to get out of your comfort zone.

When we step outside of our comfort zones, we are opening ourselves up to new experiences. We are also challenging ourselves to grow and learn.

Routines are sometimes boring and repetitive, so if you want to make every day count, don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. It is an essential part of making every day special.

Final thoughts

Making every day count doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, it can be quite simple.

You can make every day count. And you can live a life that is full of meaning and purpose. In short, all you need to do is to be present, be mindful, and make the most of every day.

I hope that these tips have inspired you to make every day count. And I hope that you have found them helpful.

Have a mindful day!


35 Intentional Living Quotes to Make the Most Out of Your Life

No matter how intentional you are with your life, it is best to have some intentional living quotes to inspire and motivate you.

Sometimes it is hard to live intentionally. We tend to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and forget about our long-term goals and values. That is why it is important to have reminders of what we are working towards.

About intentional living

Intentional living is about setting goals and making choices that are in line with your desired outcome. It is about being mindful of your actions and taking steps to ensure that you are moving closer to your goals.

It is also about living with purpose and meaning and making choices that will lead to a life that is fulfilling and satisfying.

In order to live more intentionally, firstly, you have to identify your values and what is important to you. You have to know what your goals are and what you want to achieve. And you have to be willing to make choices that are in line with those goals. You need to know what you want to be intentional about.

For example, if you value family, then you need to make choices that will lead to a happy and healthy family life. If you want to be intentional about your time, then you need to make choices that will lead to a life that is well-balanced and satisfying.

It is also important to be aware of your thoughts and feelings. You need to be able to identify when you are veering off course and make adjustments accordingly.

Making the choice to live intentionally is a powerful decision that can lead to a life that is more fulfilling and satisfying. It is a choice that will require effort and commitment, but it is worth it.

Related: 9 Ways To be Intentional Every Day

Here are some intentional living quotes to inspire and motivate you.

Quotes about intentional living

  1. “Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.” Dale Carnegie

Remember that the things you worry about today might not be a big deal tomorrow. Don’t let your worries consume you.

intentional living quotes

2. “Live each day as if your life had just begun.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

This quote is a reminder to live in the present and not dwell on the past. The past is gone and you can’t change it. Learn from it and then let it go.

intentional living quotes

3. “The present moment is the only moment available to us, and it is the door to all moments.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Always remember that the present moment is all you have. Make the most of it and don’t take it for granted.

4. “When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails” Jackson Brown

Things will happen that you can’t control. When that happens, you need to adjust your sails and find a way to still reach your destination.

intentional living quotes

5. “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t let anger consume you. It will only lead to unhappiness. Let go of your anger and focus on the things that make you happy.

6. “You can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.” Joyce Meyer

Your thoughts and mindset play a big role in your life. If you want to live a positive life, then you need to have a positive mindset.

intentional living quotes

7. “Our intention creates our reality.” Wayne Dyer

What you focus on and what you believe will become your reality. So if you want to create a positive reality, then you need to focus on positive things.

8. “If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” Albert Einstein

Your happiness should not be dependent on other people or things. If you want to be truly happy, then you should tie your happiness to a goal.

intentional living quotes

9. “The essence of philosophy is that a man should so live that his happiness shall depend as little as possible on external things.” Epictetus

Don’t let your happiness depend on things that you can’t control. Focus on the things that you can control and make choices that will lead to a happy and fulfilling life.

11. “The secret of happiness is not doing what we like but in liking what we do.” J.M. Coetzee

Happiness comes from finding joy in the things that you do. It’s not about doing what you want all the time, but it’s about being mindful of what you do.

intentional living quotes

11. “You can’t be everything to everyone. At some point, you need to make a choice of what truly matters to you and why.” David Amerland

You can’t please everyone all the time. You need to make choices and focus on the things that matter to you. Otherwise, you will spread yourself too thin and be unhappy.

12. “You cannot live with intent if you don’t know what your own intentions are.” Shawn Wells

You need to be clear about your intentions before you can live with them. Otherwise, you will just be going through the motions without any real purpose or direction.

intentional living quotes

13. “If you are not consciously building your habits, they are unconsciously building you.” Anika J. Green

Your habits define you. If you want to be a certain kind of person, then you need to develop habits that support that. Otherwise, your unconscious habits will define you and potentially you will be someone that you don’t want to be.

14. “Intentional living is the art of making our own choices before others’ choices make us.” Richie Norton

Intentional living is about making choices that align with our values and goals. It’s about being proactive instead of reactive.

intentional living quotes

15. “Nobody finishes well by accident.” John C. Maxwell

You need to put in the work if you want to achieve something great. There are no shortcuts. You need to be intentional about your actions and choices if you want to achieve excellence.

16. “The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.” A. Maslow

Mindfulness is key to happiness and mental wellness. If you want to be happy, you need to learn to be in the present moment and not dwell on the past or worry about the future.

intentional living quotes

17. “Spend more time writing your future than you do re-reading your past.” John Mark Green

Don’t dwell on your past mistakes. Learn from them and move on. Focus on writing your future and making it the best that it can be.

18. “If you want to change your life, you have to raise your standards.” Tony Robbins

If you want to change your life, you need to set higher standards for yourself. You need to be intentional about the things that you do and the choices that you make. Otherwise, you will just keep living the same life.

intentional living quotes

19. “When your intentions are pure, so too will be your success.” Charles F. Glassman

If you have pure intentions, then your success will follow. Your intentions should be based on your values and goals. If they are, then your success will be a natural consequence.

20. “Wherever you are, be all there.” Jim Elliot

Be present in the moment. Don’t be somewhere else mentally. Be focused and present in whatever you are doing.

intentional living quotes

21. “It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.” Agnes Repplier

Happiness comes from within. You need to find it within yourself. It’s not something that you can find outside of yourself.

22. “Know yourself. Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.” Ann Landers

Don’t take compliments at face value. Make sure that you really know yourself and your own worth. Otherwise, you may believe that you are better than you actually are. Which is not a good thing because you won’t make progress.

intentional living quotes

23. “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” Charles Spurgeon

Happiness is not about having a lot of things. It’s about enjoying the things that you do have. Make sure that you appreciate the things you have and the moments that you share with others.

24. “It isn’t what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” Dale Carnegie

Your happiness is not determined by your circumstances. It’s determined by your thoughts and attitudes. You can be happy no matter what is happening in your life if you CHOOSE to be.

intentional living quotes

25. “The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” Mary Davis

Gratitude creates a state of mind that allows you to see the beauty in life. The more grateful you are, the more beauty you will see.

26. “Where Intention goes Energy flows!” James Redfield

If you want something to happen, you need to put your intention and energy into it. If you are focused and dedicated, you can make lots of things happen.

intentional living quotes

27. “When your intention is clear, so is the way.”  Alan Cohen

When you know what you want, the path to follow will become clear. Your intention should be your guide. It will show you the way.

28. “The best things in life aren’t things.”  Art Buchwald

Don’t get caught up in material possessions. They will never make you truly happy. The best things in life are the relationships and experiences that you have.

intentional living quotes

29. “Listen- are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?” Mary Oliver

Don’t just go through the motions of life. Really live it. Pay attention to the details and be present in every moment.

30. “In your eyes, there are countless stars to be discovered. Why will you look for another sky?”  Avijeet Das

Don’t look for happiness in other people or things. Look within yourself. There is everything that you need to be happy. (This is one of my favorite intentional living quotes! So metaphorical.)

intentional living quotes

31. “The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse” Kilroy J. Oldster

It can be difficult to be true to yourself. But it’s important to accept yourself for who you are. Embrace your differences and use them to your advantage.

32. “The little things? The little moments? They aren’t little.” Jon Kabat-Zinn

Don’t discount the small things in life. They may seem insignificant, but they are actually the moments that make up our lives. Pay attention to them and enjoy them.

intentional living quotes

33. “When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.” Jack Kornfield

The present moment is all that there is. Don’t get so caught up in your thoughts and plans for the future that you forget to live in the present. Pay attention to the people and things around you. They are what matter most.

34. “What would it be like if I could accept life – accept this moment – exactly as it is.” Tara Brach

Learning to accept life – and yourself – exactly as you are is one of the most important things you can do. It’s a difficult task, but it’s so worth it.

intentional living quotes

35. “Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.” Amit Ray

Life is constantly moving and changing. Mindfulness is about being present and observing the dance. It’s about watching and observing the ebb and flow of life without getting caught up in it.

Final thoughts

“Live in the moment” is a popular saying, but it’s easier said than done.

But hopefully, with the intention quotes above, you have a motivator and reminder to keep you living intentionally!

Start with baby steps – each day, try to implement more moments of mindfulness with your thoughts and actions. And eventually, it will become second nature.

Feel free to download the quotes and use them as inspiration for more intentional living.

I hope you enjoyed these intentional living quotes! If you have any other favorites, please share them in the comments below.

Have an intentional day!


121 Minimalist Quotes That Will Inspire You to Live with Less

Comparison is the Thief of Joy: But It Doesn’t Have to Be

comparison is the thief of joy

We all know this phrase: Comparison is the thief of joy. It has been firstly said by Theodore Roosevelt, and it has been said by many others since then.

It is such an easy thing to do, to compare ourselves to others. And it is so hard to stop doing that.

Although it is hard, it is an important thing to do because, as mentioned in the heading, it can steal our joy.

We see someone who is further along in their career or relationship and we wonder why we haven’t achieved the same level of success. We compare our own journeys to those of others and find them wanting.

Summary: It’s important to remember that we are all on different paths. We all have different experiences and we are all at different points in our journeys. Comparison is only going to steal our joy, so it’s best to just focus on our own lives and not compare ourselves to others.

What does Comparison is The Thief of Joy mean?

The phrase “Comparison is the thief of joy” basically means that comparing ourselves to others can steal our happiness.

It’s easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others, especially if we see them as being further ahead than us in some way. But comparison only leads to feelings of envy and inferiority, which can steal our joy.

Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we should focus on our own progress and celebrate our own accomplishments. By doing this, we can keep our joy intact, so to say.

The good side of the comparison

While it’s true that comparison can often lead to negative feelings, it can also be a motivator.

Throughout history, people have used the comparison to spur themselves on to greater things.

For example, if we compare ourselves to someone who is more successful than us, it can inspire us to work harder to achieve our own goals.

Or if we compare ourselves to someone who is less fortunate than us, it can remind us to be grateful for what we have.

The same goes for the economy. If there would have been no comparison, we probably wouldn’t have access to technology and other things we take for granted today.

So while comparison can be the thief of joy, it can also be the driving force behind progress.

So if the comparison is a motivator for you and not a negative feeling, then it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Just be mindful of how you’re comparing yourself to others, and make sure that it’s coming from a positive place.

The bad side of the comparison

Unfortunately, more often than not, the comparison does lead to negative feelings.

When we compare ourselves to others, we’re usually comparing our worst to their best. This is because we tend to focus on other people’s positive qualities and downplay our own.

For example, we might compare an Instagram picture that has been edited and filtered to ourselves when we feel down.

Of course, the Instagram picture is going to look better! It’s just a second of someone’s life EDITED, so don’t even dare to compare yourself to that person.

Another downside of comparison is that it can make us feel like we’re not good enough. And that you will never be good enough.

This can lead to a vicious cycle of negative thinking that can be hard to break out of.

Moreover, comparison leads to:

  • making us feel that our efforts are never enough.
  • discouragement from taking risks.
  • the feeling of isolation and loneliness.
  • lower life satisfaction.

The comparison makes us less productive and more frustrated

I want to talk more about this disadvantage of comparison because I think it is very important and not talked a lot about.

The comparison can make us less productive because we’re too busy comparing ourselves to others instead of focusing on our own work.

We are constantly thinking about that one person who is doing better than us and how we can catch up to them.

This comparison creates a lot of frustration, which can lead to us giving up altogether.

So not only does the comparison make us feel bad, but it can also stop us from being productive.

Why do we compare ourselves to others?

There are some reasons why we compare ourselves to others. Some of them include:

  1. Social media. In the age of social media, we are constantly bombarded with images and posts about other people’s lives. We see pictures of our friends on vacation, at parties, with their families, and it’s easy to start feeling like we’re not doing enough or that our lives are boring in comparison. (It can lead to depression)
  2. The need for approval. We compare ourselves to others because we want to feel accepted and liked. If we think someone else is better than us, it can make us feel inferior.
  3. The fear of missing out. We don’t want to miss out on what everyone else seems to be doing. FOMO (fear of missing out) is a real phenomenon, and it leads us to constantly compare our lives to others.
  4. Low self-esteem. When we have low self-esteem, we tend to compare ourselves to others as a way of putting ourselves down. We think that if we can find someone who is worse off than us, it will make us feel better about ourselves.
  5. The need for more. We compare ourselves to others because we’re never satisfied with what we have. We always want more, and we think that if we can just have what someone else has, we’ll be happy.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most people compare themselves to others, and it’s something that we all struggle with. The important thing is to be aware of it and to try to find ways to stop comparing ourselves.

What if we stopped comparing?

Why are we never content? We always want more money, a bigger house, and a nicer car. We compare our lives to those around us and find ourselves lacking.

We can never be content if we are always comparing ourselves to others. We see what they have and want it for ourselves.

But what if we stopped comparing? What if we only measured our happiness against our own previous levels of happiness?

Suddenly, we might find that we are quite content after all. We have enough money to live comfortably, a roof over our heads, and food on the table.

Maybe, just maybe (but very possible), contentment is possible if we stop comparing ourselves to others.

I remember finally finding contentment in my own life when I stopped comparing myself to others. All I did was just delete my Instagram account.

I was surprised at how much better I felt. I no longer saw what everyone else was doing and compared it to my own life. I was no longer comparing my life at 20 with someones else’s life at 30.

I am just living my own life and enjoying it.

And you know what? I am quite content with that.

Ways to stop comparing ourselves to others

1. Accept yourself for who you are

We are each unique individuals with our own strengths and weaknesses.

Constantly comparing ourselves to others prevents us from appreciating our own uniqueness. It also leads to feelings of jealousy and resentment. If we want to be truly happy, we need to learn to love and appreciate ourselves just the way we are.

This is not always easy, but it’s essential if we want to be content with our lives.

Instead of worrying about what others have that we don’t, we should focus on being the best that we can be. When we do this, we’ll find that we have more than enough to be happy about.

2. Be grateful for what you have

We forget about all of the good things we have going for us and instead focus on everything we don’t have.

However, it’s important to take the time to appreciate all the blessings we have, even if they seem small.

After all, it’s the little things that often make up the biggest part of our lives. A kind word from a friend, a sunny day after a long winter, or a quiet moment to enjoy a cup of coffee can all make a big difference in our happiness.

So next time you find yourself comparing to others, take a step back and remember all of the good things you have going for you.

Related: 101 Things To Be Grateful For

3. Don’t compare your worst to everyone else’s best

Social media only shows us the highlights of people’s lives. We see the best pictures and the most exciting moments, and it’s easy to start thinking that everyone else’s life is better than ours.

We don’t know what goes on behind the scenes. Everyone has their own struggles and problems, even if they don’t show it on social media.

That is why it’s important to remember that we’re only seeing one side of the story. When you find yourself comparing your worst to everyone else’s best, try to remind yourself that you don’t know the whole story.

4. Keep things in perspective

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment and forget about what’s really important in life.

When we’re comparing ourselves to others, we often focus on things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.

For instance, we might compare our looks to someone else’s, or worry about having that waffle maker.

But in the end, these things don’t really matter. What matters most is our relationships, our health, and our happiness.

5. Focus on your own journey

Comparison leads us to compare our lives to others and feel like we’re falling behind. Which makes the statement “Comparison is the thief of joy” true once again.

But remember that life is not a competition. We’re each on our own journey, and we should focus on our own progress, not someone else’s.

It doesn’t matter where someone else is in their journey. What matters is where you are in yours.

6. Find your own happiness

The only person who can make you truly happy is yourself. So instead of looking to others for happiness, focus on finding it within yourself.

Do things that make you happy, and surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself.

Looking for happiness in material things or other people will only lead to disappointment. True happiness comes from within.

7. Be content with what you have

We live in a world of abundance, but we often take what we have for granted and we think that we need more to be happy.

Instead of always wanting more, we should learn to appreciate what we already have. Because actually you have everything that you need in order to live a happy life, and that is what really matters.

Contentment is a key to happiness. So if you want to be truly happy, you need to learn to be content with what you have.

Related: How to Be Happy With What You Have

8. Switch your mindset

While it is true that comparison is the thief of joy, you can switch your mindset towards making it a motivator.

Instead of being upset or angry about someone else having a nice job or a cool food processor, see it as a motivator.

Use it as inspiration to work hard and achieve your own goals.

Remember, the only person you’re in competition with is yourself. So instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on bettering yourself.

9. No one is perfect

Even that girl that looks like her life is perfect and she has everything going for her. Yeah, she’s not perfect either.

She might be good at something, but bad at something else.

I remember watching a girl on Youtube whose life looked just perfect. Having the best career as a Youtuber, a lovely family, homeschooling kids, a clean house, and babies who sleep through the night at 6 weeks. All that stuff. But then I realized that she works so hard that she has no time to get out of the house, for real. She has no social life. No time for anything.

The point is, that nobody is perfect. Everyone has to sacrifice something in order to achieve something else. Everyone has their own problems and struggles, even if they don’t show it on social media or in real life.

10. It’s all just thoughts

In the end, it’s all just thoughts. Thoughts that we have in our heads. And we can choose what thoughts we want to focus on.

You can definitely control them and choose not to have them. So instead of letting comparison steal your joy, focus on thoughts that make you happy.

Just take deep breaths and relax. Focus on something else, like a summer evening with your friends in the park.

And comparison will fade away.

It’s a waste of time, anyway

Comparing ourselves to others is a fruitless exercise that can only lead to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. In other words, again, the comparison is the thief of joy.

It’s important to focus on our own lives and what we can do to make ourselves happy.

After all, life is too short to spend time worrying about what other people have.

If you don’t think that life is short, just spend some time with someone who is terminally ill. You’ll quickly realize that life is precious and that we should make the most of it.

I have a 9 months old son. And sometimes I think that I was like him. And that he will have children in some decades and I will be older. Like my mom. In no time.

You never know where life leads us. So why spend time comparing ourselves to others when we could be living our own lives to the fullest?

Final thoughts

Comparison is the thief of joy. It is so true.

The less you compare yourself to others, the happier you will be.

So instead of comparing, focus on your own life and what you can do to make yourself happy. What is the career that you wish for? Work towards it.

What kind of life do you want in 5 years? 10 years? Start planning for it instead of spending time comparing yourself to others.

Do not be biased by what you see on social media. Just think of your own life and journey on this earth.

You will be so much happier. I promise.

I hope this article helped you in some way. And I hope you are one step closer to being truly happy.

Have a comparison-free day!


How to Slow Down Life: 20 Simple & Effective Ways

how to slow down life

Learn how to slow down life in order to enjoy it more.

It’s hard to slow down. I know it. And I feel you, friend.

Anyone who’s ever felt like they’re constantly running on a hamster wheel knows how hard it is to enjoy life when you’re always rushing around.

It’s tough to relax and take things slow when you’re under constant stress, and it can feel like there’s just no way to get off the ground.

The good news is that it is possible to slow down and enjoy life, even if you feel like you’re always on the go. You don’t have to completely change your lifestyle to make time pass slower.

Spoiler: it’s all about balance.

Also, keep in mind that slowing down doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop moving altogether. In fact, it’s often the opposite. Slowing down can mean finding ways to keep moving while still enjoying the moment.

Reasons why to slow down life

Ok, so we know that slowing down is important, but why?

Here are a few reasons:

  • Slowing down allows you to be more productive. This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s true. When you’re constantly rushing around, you’re more likely to make mistakes and miss important details.
  • Slowing down gives you time to enjoy life. Slowing down gives you time to appreciate the small things in life. It gives you time to stop and smell the flowers, enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee, to have a conversation with a friend. When you’re always on the go, you don’t have time for any of that. You don’t have time to just enjoy life.
  • Slowing down gives you time to connect with people. Rushing around all the time leaves little room for meaningful social interactions.
  • Slowing down gives you time to reflect. There’s no doubt that life can be hectic. Between work, family, and social obligations, it can feel like there’s no time to just stop and take a breath. But that’s precisely what slowing down can do for you: it gives you time to reflect on your life and figure out what’s really important to you. Slowing down gives you the opportunity to refocus your energy and make sure you’re still headed in the right direction.
  • Slow down helps reset your priorities. We can take the time to think about what is truly important to us. Maybe it’s spending time with our family, pursuing a hobby, or simply taking a moment to relax. Whatever it is, slowing down can help us remember what matters most. (Further reading People make time for what they want)

What does slow living look like?

Let’s take a look at what slow living looks like.

Slow living is about being intentional with our time and our choices. It’s about living with purpose and being mindful of the impact we have on the world around us. By slowing down and making conscious decisions, we can create a life that is more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Quality, not quantity, is at the heart of slow living. It’s about valuing experiences and relationships over material things.

Slow living is about simplifying. It’s about getting rid of the noise and clutter in our lives so we can focus on what’s really important.

Slow living is all about slowing down. Not just slowing down our physical bodies, but also slowing down our minds. It’s about taking the time to connect with ourselves and the world around us.

That is what slow living is about. We should all strive for slow living.

Let’s start with science

What does science say about slowing down?

Take breaks

One study found that taking a break from work can actually make you more productive. The study found that workers who took breaks were more likely to report feeling refreshed and less stressed. They were also more likely to have higher levels of productivity.

Slowing down in this case refers to taking breaks, both mental and physical. This can mean taking a walk, listening to music, or simply getting up from your desk and stretching your legs.

Get out of your comfort zone

Some people believe that slowing down life means staying still in a place and getting bored. According to this scientific article, routines are the once that make time fly by.

This is because our brain becomes more efficient at completing the task, which makes it seem like time is passing more quickly.

So if you want to slow down your perception of time, mix up your routine. Take a different route to work, try a new hobby, or meet new people.

The general rule of slowing down life: take a step back

In our fast-paced world, it can be difficult to slow down.

We are always on the go, and there is always something that needs to be done.

However, it is important to find a balance between the fast pace of life and the need to slow down and enjoy the moment. Sometimes we need to take a step back and just breathe.

So, next time you feel like you’re running on empty, take a step back and recharge your batteries. Take a deep breath and remember that IT’S OK TO SLOW DOWN SOMETIMES, YOU DON’T HAVE TO GET EVERYTHING DONE TODAY.

Life is all about finding a balance between work and play, between responsibility and enjoyment. And when we find that balance, we can live life to its fullest.

How to slow down life?

1. Spend time in nature

One of the best ways to slow down and appreciate life is to spend time in nature.

There is something about nature that has the power to slow us down, calm our minds, and refresh our spirits.

When we’re surrounded by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be easy to forget the simple things that bring us joy. But when we connect with the natural world, we can remember what’s truly important.

Whether it’s taking a walk in the park or spending a day at the beach, being in nature can help us feel more connected to the world around us. And when we feel more connected to ourselves and the world around us, we’re able to appreciate life more fully and really slow down.

So next time you’re feeling like life goes by too fast, take some time to enjoy the beauty of nature. It just might be the reset button you need.

2. Eat mindfully

Mindful eating is the act of paying attention to your food and your body while you’re eating. It involves being aware of the taste, texture, and smell of your food, as well as how your body is feeling.

Mindful eating can help you to appreciate your food more, and listen to your body’s cues so that you can eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full.

It is a great way to slow down because it allows you to focus on the present moment and connect with your body.

3. Disconnect from technology

When we’re constantly connected, we’re always available and on the go. We get these notifications all the time and we have to check what it is. We need to refresh the social media pages to see what’s new.

This can make it difficult to relax and enjoy the moment.

By disconnecting, we can give ourselves permission to take a break. We can spend time talking with friends and family, enjoying nature, or simply doing nothing.

When we unplug, we give ourselves permission to slow down and recharge.

As a result, we can return to our lives feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

4. Practice self-care

We all know that self-care is important, but sometimes it can be hard to find the time to slow down and take care of ourselves.

Life has a way of moving quickly and it can be easy to get caught up in it.

However, if we don’t make time for self-care, we can quickly become overwhelmed and burnt out. One of the best ways to slow down and practice self-care is to schedule regular breaks for yourself.

Setting aside time for yourself can help you to recharge and refocus. And when you’re feeling rested and rejuvenated, you’ll be better equipped to handle whatever life throws your way.

5. Simplify your life

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to simplify your life.

Don’t try to do everything at once – focus on taking things one step at a time.

Declutter your home and get rid of anything that doesn’t bring you joy. Unsubscribe from emails that you never read, and unfollow social media accounts that add stress to your life.

Instead, make time for the things that are truly important to you, such as spending time with loved ones, pursuing a hobby, or just taking a few moments to relax.

By simplifying your life, you’ll be able to slow down and enjoy the ride.

Related: 14 Ways to Simplify Your Life

6. Be present

From work deadlines to family obligations, there always seems to be something pulling us in different directions.

One of the best ways to slow down is to be present at the moment and practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness is the act of paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and senses without judgment. It can help you to appreciate the sights, sounds, and smells around you, and savor the taste of your food.

In addition, mindfulness can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions, and to let go of negative thoughts and feelings that are no longer serving you.

You can practice mindfulness anywhere, at any time. Just take a few deep breaths and focus on the present moment.

When you’re mindful, you’re able to appreciate life more fully and slow down the perception of time.

7. Take deep breaths

One of the quickest and easiest ways to slow down is to take a few deep breaths.

Just close your eyes and focus on your breath going in and out. Breathe deeply from your stomach, and let the tension start to melt away.

You may not have much time for a full meditation session, but taking a few minutes to focus on your breath can help you to slow down and reset.

8. Appreciate every simple pleasure in life

It can be way too easy to take the simple things in life for granted. We often don’t have time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.

So slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life, like a cup of coffee in the morning, or the moonlight at the night. Or just watch your child play.

Doing so, you will really feel life slowing down and you will feel more connected to the world around you.

9. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is an important part of slowing down because it allows you to reconnect with what is truly important in your life.

When you are grateful for the things you have, it is easier to let go of stress and anxiety.

Gratitude can help you to appreciate the good things in your life, and to be more present at the moment.

When you practice gratitude, you naturally become more positive and optimistic, which can help to slow down your perception of time.

Homework: Write down 10 things that you are grateful for now. For example, be grateful for those colorful socks that you have, for being alive in this beautiful era of knowledge and technology, and for being able to read this article.

For more inspiration, check out this article on 101 things to be grateful for.

10. Take breaks and remember where you are and what you are doing

It’s important to take breaks throughout the day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Use your break time to get up and move around, or to just take a few deep breaths.

It’s also important to remember where you are and what you are doing. For example, if you are working on a project, acknowledge it and give yourself credit for making progress. Instead of rushing to do the next part of the project, take a moment to remember that you are here, not in your mind thinking only about what to do next.

Acknowledge your surroundings and the people you are with. This will help to slow down your thoughts and bring you back to the present moment.

11. Do one thing at a time

Multi-tasking is often seen as a way to be more productive, but it can actually have the opposite effect.

When you try to do too many things at once, it can also be difficult to enjoy any one thing when you’re constantly thinking about the others.

That is why it is essential to focus on one thing at a time and to give your full attention to it.

One way to do this is to make a list of things you need to do, and then tackle them one by one. You’ll find that you can actually get more done this way and that you’ll enjoy each task more as well.

It will really help you to slow down your thoughts because you won’t be constantly thinking about the other things you need to do.

12. Learn to say no

Probably we all know the feeling of being overcommitted and stretched too thin. Whether it’s agreeing to take on a new project at work or saying yes to a friend’s invitation, it can be difficult to say no.

However, constantly saying yes can lead to burnout and leave us feeling overwhelmed.

Learning to slow down and set boundaries is essential for maintaining our mental health and well-being.

When we say no, we are giving ourselves permission to rest, recharge, and slow down. We are also setting the stage for more meaningful relationships and experiences.

13. Use your senses

One of the best ways to slow down and connect with the world around us is to use our senses.

Our sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell are all powerful tools that can help to ground us in the present moment.

When we take the time to really see what is around us, to listen to the sounds of nature, feel the textures of different surfaces, taste the food we are eating, and smell the flowers in bloom, we are automatically slowing down our thoughts.

This can be a great way to become calmer and simply enjoy the world around us.

So next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to stop and smell the roses – literally! – and see how much better you feel.

14. Be present in the presence of others

Being present with others can be a great way to slow down your thoughts.

When you are fully focused on the person or people in front of you, you are less likely to dwell on other things. Instead, you can enjoy the moment and the company of those around you.

Additionally, being present can help you to better understand and connect with others. By listening attentively and responding thoughtfully, you can create deeper relationships built on trust and mutual respect.

Put away your phone and just listen. You can also try to be aware of your body language, and make sure that you are conveying interest and openness.

15. Read

There’s always something to do, and it can feel like there’s never enough time to just relax and take a break. But it is inexplicably important!

For me, one of the best ways to do this is by reading. When I sit down with a good book, I can forget about all the other things going on in my life and just focus on the story. It’s a great way to relax and escape from stress.

I recommend giving it a try. Just once a week for 30 minutes can make a world of difference.

16. Journal

We are most of the time in a state of disconnection from our own thoughts and emotions, which makes it very hard to slow down life.

One way to repair this is journaling. It is a great way to slow down and connect with your inner world. By taking the time to write down your thoughts and feelings, you can begin to understand yourself better.

You may also find that journaling provides a sense of calm and clarity in your busy life.

Whether you’re looking to gain insight into your own thoughts and emotions or simply need a quiet moment to reflect on your day, journaling is an excellent way to slow down and connect with your inner world.

17. Do nothing

We are always expected to be productive, and taking a break can feel like a luxury.

Although it sounds boring, when you do nothing, you are able to slow down and connect with your surroundings. You can appreciate the little things that you normally take for granted, and you may even find that your mind is more clear and more focused when you give it a break from constant activity.

So next time you find yourself with some free time, instead of reaching for your phone or turning on the TV, try doing nothing.

Ironically, it might just be the best thing you “do” all day.

18. Make time for hobbies

It’s essential to have hobbies that help you slow down and enjoy life.

Hobbies can provide a much-needed break from the stresses of work and family life. They can also be a great way to meet new people and learn new skills. Best of all, hobbies can be enjoyed at your own pace, without the pressure of deadlines or competition, which makes it much easier to slow down.

So whether you enjoy gardening, knitting, or simply taking walks in the park, make sure to take some time for your hobbies.

They just might be the key to a slower, more balanced life.

19. Move your body

It’s no secret that exercise is good for your health.

But I found out that it can also help you to slow down and enjoy life more.

When I’m out for a run or a bike ride, I have time to notice the beauty of my surroundings. I can also clear my head and focus on the present moment.

The best exercise in my opinion for slowing down is practicing yoga. Yoga requires you to move slowly and mindfully, and it’s a great way to connect with your body and your breath.

So, I recommend giving yoga a try.

20. Enjoy that drink

You certainly have those moments when you go out and stop by a coffee shop or a milkshake place and you buy your favorite drink. Or a moment when you made yourself a tea or coffee at home.

Well, sometimes we drink it without being mindful of it and without enjoying the taste and the warmth/coldness of it.

But if we take a moment to be mindful of it, we can appreciate all the flavors. Just close your eyes and take a sip.

It might sound weird but it can really help slow down time, life, and yourself.

Final thoughts

Everything is moving faster and faster each day, technology, and our life, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t take a pause and enjoy the moment.

We just need to be more mindful about it.

Enjoy your meal, your cup of tea/coffee, take a walk in the park and just be.

Life is beautiful, let’s not rush through it.

Right now, take a moment, close your eyes, and breathe. 6 seconds in and 8 seconds out. 3 times.

How do you feel?

Thank you for being here with me and I hope you enjoyed reading.

Have a slow day!


How to Be Happy With What You Have: 10 Ways

how to be happy with what you have?

Once you learn how to be happy with what you have, you will be so much more mindful and appreciative of your life.

It’s hard to be content when you’re always focused on what you don’t have. You might feel like you’ll never be happy until you reach a certain goal or acquire a certain thing.

The solution to this problem sounds quite simple: you can’t be happy until you’re happy with what you have. It sounds simple but it’s not that easy to implement.

This is because we don’t know how to be content. In today’s world, we are bombarded with messages that tell us we need more. We’re told that we need the latest and greatest gadget, the newest car, the trendiest clothes, and the perfect body.

It’s no wonder we have a hard time being content!

I am not going to lie: it is hard.

Nonetheless, it is still possible to learn how to be content with what you have. And the more you practice it, the easier it will become.

How do you define happiness?

First things first: you need to shift your definition of happiness.

For a lot of us, happiness is synonymous with acquiring things, even if we don’t realize it. If we get that new car or handbag, we’ll be happy. But as soon as we have it, the happiness fades away and we’re back to square one, wanting more.

This is NOT how happiness works.

Happiness does not come from things. Happiness comes from within.

To be truly happy, you need to find happiness from within yourself. This means being content with what you have.

I know, it sounds easier said than done, but I have been there myself and I know it is possible. And once you shift your mindset, you will be so much happier.

What is happiness? Happiness is a state of mind.

You can be happy even if you don’t have a perfect life or the perfect circumstances. You can be happy even if you’re not rich or “successful”.

Happiness is a choice. It is a decision that you make every day, to be happy with what you have.

What is wrong with wanting more to be happy?

The problem is that it is a never-ending cycle. There is never an end to this constant quest for more.

If we always want more, we will never be truly happy. We always chase happiness, but we never seem to catch it.

It is like a hamster running on a wheel. The hamster is always running, but it never gets anywhere.
The same is true for us if we are always chasing after more things to make us happy. We will never catch happiness because it is not there.

It is something that we have to create from within ourselves.

And to do that, we need to start being happy with what we have.

how to be happy with what you have?

Why be happy with what you have?

The main reason is that it is so much better for your mental and physical health (study). When you’re always chasing after more, you’re never truly happy. You’re constantly stressed out and anxious, always worrying about what you don’t have.

But when you learn to be content with what you have, that stress and anxiety disappear.

It might not seem like it, but this shift in mindset can make a world of difference in your life. You will be so much happier and healthier when you learn to be happy with what you have.

Another reason to be happy with what you have is that it will help you appreciate your life more.

When you’re always focused on what you don’t have, you never take the time to appreciate what you do have. You will be more thankful for what you have, and your life will be so much richer because of it.

Money and happiness

It’s official: money can’t buy happiness.

According to the largest study ever conducted on the subject, once you have your basic needs met, additional wealth has very little impact on your level of happiness. Their findings confirmed what many of us have long suspected: beyond a certain point, more money doesn’t make a difference.

This makes sense when you think about it – after all, once we have food, shelter, and clothes, we can live our lives in peace and comfort.

Of course, there are always going to be things that we want that we can’t afford, but that doesn’t mean that we’re not happy.

The key to happiness is not to focus on what we don’t have, but to appreciate what we do have. When we do that, we realize that money is not the most important thing in life.

10 Ways: How to be happy with what you have?

Being happy with what you have is not about settling for less. It is recognizing that it is enough.

Here are some tips on how to be happy with what you have:

1 – Practice negative visualization.

This is a technique that helps you to appreciate what you have by imagining what it would be like to lose it.

For example, if you have a house that you think it’s too little or not good enough, imagine what it would be like to live on the streets. Or if you have a job that you don’t like, imagine what it would be like to be unemployed.
Imagine how would it be to be raised in another environment, with little or no food, and with no education.

But don’t stop there. Not only should you imagine how bad things could be, but also how good they are now.

Think about all the things that you have that other people don’t: a safe home, people around you, a job, food, clothes.

This may sound like a strange way to be happy, but it actually works. It helps you to appreciate what you have by putting things into perspective.

2 – Think about your limited life.

We all have a limited time on this earth. We don’t know how long we are going to live, so we should make the most of the time that we have.

This doesn’t mean that we should live in a state of constant fear, but it does mean that we should appreciate the time that we have.

There’s no point in waiting to be happy. Sure, we all want to achieve our goals and reach our full potential, but that doesn’t mean we should put off happiness until then.

Every day is a gift, and we should treat it as such.

That is why you should be happy NOW. If you’re looking for a reason to be happy, remember that today is a gift – and it’s up to you to make the most of it.

You don’t need anything in order to be happy, besides just being alive!

Related: How to make every day count?

3 – Choose to be happy.

It’s easy to think that happiness is something that just happens to us – that it’s out of our control. But the truth is, happiness is a choice.

It is not something that happens to us by chance. We can choose to be happy, no matter what our circumstances are.

Of course, it is not always easy to be happy. But it is always possible.

Life can be tough.

We all have our fair share of problems and hardships. But even in the darkest of times, we can still choose to see the good in people and the beauty in life. We can still choose happiness.

When we make the decision to be happy, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities. We start to see the beauty in life, and we find strength in ourselves that we never knew we had.

So next time you’re feeling down, remember that you have the power to choose happiness – no matter what life throws your way.

4 – Practice gratitude.

This is probably the most known way of being happy with what you have. But it is also one of the most effective ones.

Gratitude is simply the act of being thankful for what you have.

It is recognizing that even though you may not have everything you want, you still have a lot to be thankful for. It is acknowledging all the good in your life, no matter how small.

For example, you may be grateful for rain, for having a TV in your house, for the food in your fridge, or for your friends and family.

All you have to do is to take a moment to think about all the things you are thankful for. And trust me, there will always be something.

You can even keep a gratitude journal, where you write down everything you are thankful for each day.

By doing this on a regular basis, you will appreciate all the good in your life, and it will also make you happier.

5 – Stop comparing yourself to others.

Theodore Roosevelt once said that comparison is the thief of joy, and I so much agree with him.

One of the main reasons why we are not happy with what we have is because we compare ourselves to others.

We see all the things that other people have, and we want them for ourselves.

But what we don’t realize is that we only see the good in other people’s lives. We don’t see their struggles, their problems, or their insecurities.

So when we compare ourselves to others, we are only comparing our worst to their best. And that’s not fair to us.

Social media has a big role in this. We scroll through our feeds and see all the happy posts, the perfect pictures, and the seemingly perfect lives.

Remember that some people would love to be like you. To have a family, a home, and a job.

Also, remember that you actually don’t know what’s actually going on in other people’s lives. So don’t compare yourself to them. Just focus on being the best you can be.

6 – Live in the present.

It’s easy to find yourself living in the past or the future.

When things are going well, it’s natural to reflect on happy memories and times when life was simpler. Similarly, when facing difficult challenges, it’s only human to worry about what could happen next.

However, neither the past nor the future is under our control. The only thing we can influence is the present moment. And yet, so often, we allow ourselves to be controlled by nostalgia or anxiety.

Instead of enjoying the good times, we long for an imaginary golden age that never really existed. And instead of meeting the challenges of the present head-on, we waste our energy worrying about hypotheticals.

If we want to be happy and successful, we need to learn to live in the present. Only then can we take control of our lives and create the future we want for ourselves.

7 – Focus on what you can change.

There will always be things in life that we can’t control.

For example, we can’t control the weather, the economy, or other people’s actions.
However, what we can control is how we react to these things.

And that is actually much more important.

You see, it’s not the events in our lives that make us happy or unhappy. It’s our thoughts and feelings about them.

For example, you can’t change the fact that you got fired from your job. But you can control how you react to it.

You can choose to see it as an opportunity to start a new chapter in your life. You can use it as a chance to learn new skills or to pursue your dreams.

Or you can choose to see it as a setback and wallow in self-pity. The choice is yours.

So focus on the things that you can change, and don’t sweat the “small” stuff.

8 – Embrace simple living.

Now, I’m not saying that you should give up all your possessions and live in a cave.

But I am saying that you should focus on what’s important to you and declutter your life.

One way to do this is to follow a minimalist lifestyle.

Related: Simple Living Tips

Minimalism is about living with less in order to make space for what matters to you the most.

How it can help you be happy with what you have?

  • Well, first of all, it can help you appreciate the things that you already have.

When you declutter your life and get rid of the things that you don’t need, you start to see the things that you do have in a new light.

You realize that you don’t need a million things to be happy. You just need a few good-quality things that you love and that serve a purpose.

  • Second of all, minimalism can help you live more intentionally. Happiness comes from living a life that is in line with your values and your goals.

When you have fewer things, you can focus on what’s truly important to you. You can invest your time and energy in the things that matter instead of wasting it on stuff that doesn’t.

Focusing on these things over material possessions will certainly make you happier.

Related: Why material things don’t make you happy?

9 – Don’t take things for granted.

We get used to our comfortable homes, our reliable cars, and our steady jobs. We wake up each day and go about our lives, assuming that everything will stay the same.

But nothing in life is ever guaranteed.

At any moment, something could happen that completely upends our world. A natural disaster could strike, or we could lose our job. Our health could take a turn for the worse, or a relationship could end.

So why not to be happy with what we have while we have it?

It’s not perfect, I know but IT IS.

10 – Make time for relationships.

Happiness doesn’t come from things. It comes from relationships. There are even important studies in this sense.

It’s easy to believe that happiness comes from having things: a big house, a new car, a closet full of designer clothes.

But the truth is, those things don’t bring lasting happiness. They might provide a momentary boost of joy, but it quickly fades.

True happiness comes from our relationships with other people. It comes from the connections we have with our family and friends. It comes from feeling like we belong to something larger than ourselves.

When we invest in our relationships, we’re investing in our own happiness.

So next time you’re feeling down, reach out to a friend or loved one. Spend time talking, laughing, and simply being together. Because that’s where true happiness comes from.

Final thoughts

Happiness is not hidden in material things. It’s not something that you can buy.

True happiness comes from appreciating what you have, living a life that is in line with your values, and investing in relationships.

So don’t wait for happiness to find you. Go out and find it yourself. Start by being happy with what you have.

Take a moment to appreciate the good things in your life. Focus on the positive, and let go of the negative.

And most importantly, remember that happiness is a choice. It’s up to you to make it happen.

So start being happy with what you have today! Every day is a new day to start over, to be happy. Why not be happy now?

P.S.: Spread happiness everywhere you go.

Have a happy day!


For more inspiration, I have an article about Minimalist Blogs to follow, which will help you in your journey toward a happy and fulfilling life.

How to Set Powerful Daily Intentions? (plus examples)

daily intentions

Setting powerful daily intentions can help to manifest what you want in your life. By taking the time to connect with your desires and setting a clear intention for the day, you can begin to see results manifesting in your life.

Anyone who’s ever tried to meditate knows that it’s not always easy to clear your mind.

If you’re constantly worrying about the future or dwelling on the past, it can be tough to stay present at the moment.

One way to help focus your thoughts and bring some clarity into your life is to set daily intentions.

Overview: Every morning when you wake up, take a few minutes to think about what you want to accomplish that day. It doesn’t have to be anything major – maybe you just want to get through your workday without getting too frazzled, or maybe you want to be extra patient with your kids.

Once you’ve set your intention, try to keep it in mind throughout the day. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to your intention. At the end of the day, take a few minutes to reflect on how you did.

Over time, this simple practice can help train your brain to focus on the present moment, and it can also help you become more aware of your thoughts and actions.

For instance: Just saying in the morning “Today I am going to be more intentional with my spouse” can make a big difference, even if you don’t think so. It’s like planting a seed in your mind that will grow throughout the day.

What are daily intentions?

Daily intentions are simple, powerful statements that you can say to yourself every day.

It can be something as small as “Today I am going to be more grateful for what I have” or “I choose to be happy today.”

The key is to make sure your intention is something that you truly believe.

daily intentions

Daily intentions vs goals

Some people might think that setting daily intentions is a lot like setting goals. However, there are some key differences between the two.

Intentions are more focused on how you want to feel or be in the present moment, whereas goals are more future-oriented. Goals are also often more specific and measurable, whereas intentions are more general and open-ended.

The main difference is that intentions are meant to be a daily practice, while goals are typically something that you work towards over a longer period of time.

Again, one is focused on the present moment and how you want to feel today, while the other is focused on a specific outcome that you want to achieve in the future.

focused on how you want to be in the present momentfuture-oriented
specific and measurablegeneral and open-ended
Today I am going to be more present in the momentI want to lose 10 pounds by the end of the month
Difference between intentions and goals

Related: 40 Monthy Goals to Help You Be Your Better Self

Examples of daily intentions

Daily intentions could be endless, but here are some examples to get you started:

  • I am grateful for everything that comes my way.
  • I choose to be happy today.
  • I will be kind and compassionate to others.
  • I am present in the moment.
  • I am going to pay attention to simple pleasures in life.
  • I am open to new experiences.
  • I accept myself for who I am.
  • I am going to show love to my partner.
  • I am worthy of love and happiness.
  • I choose to be free from suffering and fear.
  • I am going to be myself.
  • I am one with nature.
  • I am powerful and confident.
  • I am patient and understanding.
  • I am connected to the universal source of love and wisdom.

Some of these intentions are more grounded, while others are more spiritual.

The key is to find an intention that works for you and that you can truly believe in.

Related Posts: 9 Ways to Be Intentional Every Day
35 Intentional Living Quotes

Why set daily intentions?

Simply put, when you set an intention for your day, you are much more likely to achieve it.

The act of setting an intention is like planting a seed in your mind, and that seed will start to grow and blossom into reality.

In addition, daily intentions help to keep you focused on what is truly important to you. It is all too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget what we are working towards.

When you have a daily intention, it acts as a reminder and helps to keep you on track.

Moreover, daily intentions help to create a positive mindset.

When you start your day with a positive intention, you are much more likely to approach the day with a positive attitude. This can then lead to more positive experiences and interactions throughout the day.

Related: Making every day count

How to set daily intentions?

Here are a few tips on how to set daily intentions:

1. Wake up with the intention

When you first wake up in the morning, take a few moments to set an intention for the day. This could be for example right before you get out of bed or while you are brushing your teeth.

2. Meditate on it

Next, meditate on your intention. This could be for a few minutes or even longer. By doing so, you will start your day with a clear focus on what you want to achieve.

3. Write it down

It can also be (very) helpful to write down your intention. This will help to keep you focused and on track. Also, every time you will see your intention written down, it will act as a reminder.

4. Visualize it

In addition, it can be helpful to visualize your intention. For example, if your intention is to be more present, you could visualize yourself putting away your phone and really listening when others are talking to you.

5. Repeat it throughout the day

Also, don’t forget to repeat your intention throughout the day. This will help to keep you to stay focused.

6. Think how it impacted your day

At the end of the day, try to think about if your intention had an impact on your day. If so, how? If not, why? This will help you to learn and improve for the next day.

How to make your intentions more powerful?

Here are some tips:

  • Be clear about what you want

The first step is to be clear about what you want. When you are clear about your intention, it will be much easier to put it into practice.

  • Keep it simple

It is also important to keep your intention simple. The more complex it is, the harder it will be to remember and put into practice.

  • Make it positive

When setting your intention, make sure to frame it in a positive way. For example, instead of saying “I will not procrastinate today”, say “I will get started on my work right away”.

  • Believe in it

One of the most important things is to truly believe in your intention. If you don’t believe that it is possible, then it probably won’t be.

  • Be specific

When possible, it is also helpful to be specific about your intention. For example, instead of saying “I will be more present”, say “I will put away my phone and really listen when others are talking to me”.

Daily intention cards/apps

As a bonus, I want to mention that there are also daily intention cards. These are cards with different intentions that you can use for inspiration (or even just to read and reflect on).

They are a great way to get started with setting daily intentions.

Also, if you don’t want to clutter your physical space, I totally get it. That is why there are also apps that have intention setting as part of their offerings.

(My favorite is Waking Up by Sam Harris).

Final Thoughts

Setting daily intentions is a great way to start your day and focus on what is important to you throughout the day.

Hopefully, you will be well on your way to setting powerful and effective intentions in no time.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. I would love to hear from you!

Have an intentional day!
